Academic Mobility program lectures +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 13 January 2023
  • 1398

Academic Mobility program lectures

In the country, the training of specialists of high professional level, in demand in the labor market, owning modern innovative technologies is very relevant. For this purpose, the program "Academic Mobility" is being implemented.

According to the program "Internal academic mobility", the senior lecturer of the Department "Electric Power, Technosphere safety and Ecology" of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Nurzhamal Ermukhanova teaches at the Karaganda Technical University.

 The teacher teaches students "Physiology and psychology of labor" according to EP 6B11201 – "Life safety and environmental protection" of the department "Space Aerology and labor protection".

Today, the Department of "Electric Power, Technosphere Safety and Ecology" maintains relations with several foreign and Kazakh universities and closely cooperates on a contractual basis.

It should be noted that "Academic mobility" is training or conducting research by students (student, undergraduate) or a research teacher with a trip to another university (foreign, Kazakh) for a certain academic period (at least 1 semester with training and practical training). Including "Internal academic mobility" – training in Kazakhstan universities and conducting research work by teachers in leading educational organizations or scientific institutions of Kazakhstan.


Department of "Electric Power Engineering, Technosphere Safety and Ecology"

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