Best project of young entrepreneurs "Syr-Live" +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 17 May 2022
  • 2405

Best project of young entrepreneurs "Syr-Live"

The university has great support for young people who want to start a business. Every day, the number of business students increases and pleases with their achievements.

In the Republican contest of projects "ENACTUS Kazakhstan NATIONAL EXPO – 2022", which was held in the capital, the team of "ENACTUS Kyzylorda Korkyt Ata university" took the second place and received 700 thousand tenge.

The team of young people of the University presented the project "Syr-Live" to the special competition "CHEVRON & ENACTUS WATER RACE".

"CHEVRON & ENACTUS WATER RACE" is a competition dedicated to solving the problem of water resources in the country. 128 applications from educational institutions of the Republic were accepted for the competition, and 22 projects passed to the final stage.

"Syr-Live" is a project aimed at cleaning and reusing wastewater from rice fields, saving water resources by using drainage systems.

It should be noted that under the leadership of Zhanarys Tubekbayev, students – Abzhanov Temirlan, Sarsenbek Didar, Tadzhibay Aliya, Nurzhanuly Nurbol, Ongar Karakat, Beketova Moldir, Izbembet Akylbek worked within the framework of this project.

Another good news for students is that the team of university students was among the best in the special competition of IT projects "BEELINE&ENACTUS: live on the bright side" and received an invitation to the summer incubation of the BEELINE office.


Media Center of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt ata
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