Honoring the scientist
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 24 May 2022
  • 2327

Honoring the scientist

There was a solemn session of the Council of the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the pedagogical activity of candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, scientist Shanzharkhan Bekmagambetov at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

At the scientific council, vice-rector for social and educational work Zhandos Bazartay emphasized the contribution of the scientist to science and education.

- Shanzharkhan Bekmagambetov is an experienced educator of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, who makes a special contribution to the development of education, science, educational activity and professional training. The scientist has been working in the field of language theory and language genetics for a quarter of a century. He is the author of a new scientific direction on the origin and functioning of the human language – the science of genetic language, – said Zhandos Nurtayuly.

It should be noted that the session was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, members of the Academic Council of the University.

At the solemn event, Shanzharkhan Bekmagambetov was awarded the Order of A. Baitursynuly and the Medal "Best Teacher" of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University by the decision of the Association of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his outstanding contribution to the development of the education and science system of Kazakhstan and for his valiant work in training qualified specialists.

Shanzharkhan Bekmagambetov delivered lectures at the University in the following disciplines: "Theoretical problems of compound sentence syntax", "Historical grammar of the Kazakh language and the history of writing", "Introduction to genetic linguistics".

Author of the educational and methodological manual "Structural and semantic features of explanatory relationships in the Kazakh language", more than 50 scientific articles.

He also prepared scientific monographs "Fundamentals of language knowledge and language symbols","Language genetics: language symbol-symbolic system" and manuals for university students" ,7 lectures on the theory of genetic linguistics".

The scientist has been working for a quarter of a century to implement new scientific ideas in the field of language theory, philosophy of language, semiotics, and implement the ideas of genetic language science.

In 2010, a collection of poems "Inscriptions in the heart " was published. Today, he is the chairman of the public fund "Kus kanaty – Kyzylorda", which supports young writers.

He is a member of the International Union of writers of the International Kazakh creative Association "Peace Planet" (World of Peace). He was awarded the international medal "M. Sholokhov", the Gold Medal of the Korkyt Ata University and the gratitude of the Akim of Kyzylorda region.

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