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The history of the educational program «Water Resources and Land Management»
The educational program "Water and Land Management" was founded in 1978 as part of the Kyzylorda branch of Zhambyl Hydromelioration and Construction Institute under the name of the department of "Special Disciplines". The head of the department of "Special Disciplines" was appointed candidate of technical sciences Koshkarov Serikbay Imanbaуevich. The department trained engineers in the specialties of hydromelioration and agricultural construction, the first graduation was in 1981.
In 1982 the department of "Special Disciplines" was divided into the departments of "Hydromelioration" and "Agricultural Construction". Candidate of Technical Sciences S.I. Koshkarov was appointed head of the chair "Hydromelioration". Candidates of Sciences T.A. Turganova, D.A. Seitkasymov, A.A. Sagaуev, S.I. Umirzakov, A.A. Shomantaуev, S.T. Taupbaуev, O.K. Karlykhanov and others worked in the department.
In 1985-1990 the departments of "Agricultural Land Reclamation" and "Hydraulic Engineering Construction" continued their work. In different years the chair "Agricultural Land Reclamation" was headed by T.M. Sagymbekov, E.M. Kuttybaev. The chair "Hydraulic engineering construction" in different years was headed by T.A.Turganova, A.N.Ospanov.
In 1991 on the basis of these two departments was created the chair "Hydromelioration". Until 1993 the chair was headed by Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor Torekhan Karlikhanovich Karlikhanov.
In 1994 the names of these departments were changed to "Lesomelioration". The heads of the departments from 1994 to 1996 were S.I. Umirzakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.A. Sagaev from 1996 to 1998. Heads of the department "Hydroecology, hydraulic and meliorative construction" in different years were: in 1994 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor T.K. Karlikhanov, 1994-1996 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Shomantaуev, 1996-1998 Candidate of Technical Sciences S.T. Taupbaуev.
Professor of the Scientific Research Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences Tursynov Abai Abdrakhmanovich, scientists of the department Karlykhanov T.K., Koshkarov S.I., Umirzakov S.I. and others worked on the creation of state standards of specialties hydroecology, forest amelioration.
In 1998 two chairs were united in the chair "Reclamation and hydroecology", the head of the chair was appointed candidate of technical sciences Umirzakov Serikbai Idrisovich.
In June 2002, S.I. Koshkarov and candidates of sciences J.N. Baimakhanov, Sh.I. Mashtaeva, A.T. Zhunusov visited higher and specialized educational institutions of Canada, where they exchanged experience in advanced technologies of training agricultural specialists.
In 2004, the name of the department was changed to "Water Management". Candidate of Technical Sciences S.I. Umirzakov was appointed Head of the Chair. In 2005-2010 the chair "Water Management" was headed by candidate of technical sciences, professor A.A. Sagaуev, in 2010-2012 by doctor of technical sciences, professor S.I. Koshkarov.
The Department of Land Management was established in March 1993 on the basis of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Geodesy.
The first head of the department was appointed candidate of technical sciences Batyrbaуev Ersin Alipbaуevich. In 1994-1998 the department was headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor B.O. Raisov, in 1998-2000 Doctor of Economic Sciences J.A. Bisenov, in 2003-2009 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A.M. Toktamysov, in 2009-2011 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor B.K. Kultanov, in 2011-2012 M. Embergenov.
The Department of Land Management was staffed by A.A. Aldabergenova, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers, senior lecturer; K.K. Bektanov, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Engineers, senior lecturer, L.B. Lee, Z.S. Urikbaeva, graduates of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University senior lecturer L.B. Abjamieva, senior lecturer K.M. Kiyasov, E.A. Almaganbetova, S.E. Aimenova, A.S. Tursynbayeva, A.Sh. Aripova, A. Bayimbetova.
On August 31, 2012, by the decision of the Scientific Council of the University, as a result of merging the departments "Water Management" and "Land Management", the department "Water and Land Management" was established. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Serikbay Imanbayevich Koshkarov was appointed Head of the Chair.
The educational program prepares bachelors in "Land Reclamation, Reclamation and Protection", "Water Resources and Water Management", "Land Management", "Cadastre". In 2004, a Master's degree in "Water resources and water use" was opened, and in 2008 - in "Land reclamation, reclamation and protection".
In March 2012 was opened doctoral PhD program on specialty "Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands". The first graduates-doctoral students of the department were P.U. Bulanbayeva, teachers of the M.H. Dulati Taraz State University K. Abdeshev, T. Masatbayev.
On March 4, 2019 in the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University was established Dissertation Council in the direction (specialty) of personnel training 8D086 - Water Resources and Water Use (6D081000 - Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands). Prof. Dr. Shomantayev was appointed as the Chairman of the Dissertation Council.
December 24, 2021 Zhusupova Lisa Kuanyshovna successfully defended her dissertation work in Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata on the specialty 8D08675 (6D081000) - Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands, on the topic: "Development of technology for the development of saline lands out of agricultural turnover" (on the example of Kyzylorda region). By the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 165 from April 22, 2022 she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
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Otarbaev Bauyrzhan Syrmagambetovich
Head of the educational program, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
8 705 703 6845
Educational program of «Water Resources and Land Management»
Bachelor's degree
6B08675 - Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of lands
6B07369 - Land management;
6B07368 - Cadastre.
7M08674 - Water resources and water use;
7M08675 - Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of lands
Doctoral studies
8D08675 - Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of lands.
6B08675 - Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands.
Teaching staff

Otarbaev Bauyrzhan Syrmagambetovich
- Function: Head of the educational program, senior lecturer, candidate of agricultural sciences
- Information

Shayanbekova Bakhytzhan Rakhmanberdievna
- Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
- Information

Umirzakov Serikbay Idrisovich
- Function: Аssociate professor, Doctor of technical sciences
- Information

Umbetova Sholpan Myrzabekovna
- Function: Associate Professor, candidate of Technical Sciences
- Information

Kenzhealiyeva Bakhytkul Turebaykyzy
- Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
- Information

Yeleuova Elmira Shorayevna
- Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
- Information

Daldabayeva Gulnur Torekhanovna
- Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
- Information
Material and technical base of the educational program «Water Resources and Land Management»
EP "Water and Land Management" is provided with modern classrooms equipped with LSD-projectors, interactive whiteboards, modern computers.
Specialized laboratories and classrooms are equipped with stands and training equipment. Auditoriums No. 104, 109, 401, 403 are equipped with multimedia projectors and interactive boards. There are levelers, theodolites, laths, tripods, tape measures, electronic planimeters and electronic total stations for laboratory and practical classes for students of all engineering specialties.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, a major overhaul of auditorium No. 109 was carried out and new modern laboratory equipment was purchased for a total cost of 17 million tenge, for the discipline "Hydraulics".
In 2019, two lecture halls were opened:
1) auditorium №104 named after Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Karlikhanov Torekhan Karlikhanovich;
2) Auditorium №300 named after the Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Koshkarov Serikbay Imanbayevich.
Admission committee of the educational program «Water Resources and Land Management»
Bachelor course:
Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5
Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99
Master's and doctoral studies:
Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5
Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99
Reception time
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday
korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University.
Services available
Call center
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Megaproject Electronic Library
Schedule of lessons
Science Library