Scientists tested hydrofluoric acid in industry +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 01 February 2024
  • 1440

Scientists tested hydrofluoric acid in industry

Scientists from korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University visited the Kharasan-2 field in Zhanakorgan district. On the basis of an order from the Institute of high technologies, they carried out research and development work on the topic "Experimental industrial testing of fluorine acid as a reagent for repair and restoration works of underground leaching wells". This field is one of the deepest in Kazakhstan in terms of mining operations. It is carried out from the ore horizons located at a depth of 700 meters.

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-The Kharasan-2 mine, owned by Bayken-U LLP, is one of the most successful. This is because the removal of ore from the horizon is 90 percent. In Northern Kharasan, production was carried out by underground well leaching. The aim of this project is to develop natural uranium by turning it into a productive solution at a depth without bringing it to the surface. The technology for the development of  mines completely excludes any dust sources and reduces the risk of radioactive contamination, says Nurbol Appazov, scientific director of the project.

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During the implementation of this project, the use of decolmatization solution by a special method is carried out on technological equipment. An innovative method is to treat the filter area of the well directly with decolmatization solution and prevent precipitation in the formation. The use of the method provides an increase in the performance of blocks and completeness in the extraction of metal from them by preventing and eliminating shrinkage in a porous environment. In addition, in the process of well production of uranium from various mining geological blocks, sulfuric acid, electricity, labor and other production.


Yerlan Damira is a 4th year student of the Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University


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