University students took the first place +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 16 February 2024
  • 1661

University students took the first place

On the initiative of the Kyzylorda regional branch of the Republica party and the Kitap Kurttary book club, an intellectual competition KitapQuiz was held among teams formed from students of universities and colleges of the city of Kyzylorda.

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In the competition, the team of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University took the first place. The honor of the university was defended by such students as Yerasyl Shayuzakov, Salima Mugjapbar, Gulnur Abish.

In the 4-stage competition, the participating teams had to find the author of the book or the title of the work using the images presented on the slide and ask questions about writers and works from around the world. In addition, there were tasks about films based on the plots of books and works by Kazakh writers. According to the results of the entire competition, the university team was able to correctly answer 28 out of 40 questions, showing their knowledge. The winning teams were awarded cash prizes from the sponsors of the competition.

Congratulations to the students who are passionate about books, with well-deserved victories!

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