International Women's day +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 07 March 2024
  • 1641

International Women's day

Today, the student Palace of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University hosted a festive evening dedicated to the International Women's day "Syinar em, Ana degen tanirge".



The solemn meeting was attended by veteran teachers, teachers, women and students of the university.

– In our university, 6 doctors of science, 9 PhD Doctors of philosophy, 20 candidates of science, 21 Masters of science are all young people. Women make up 70% of the collective. This means that on the way to the formation and development of the university, women have hard work.

Our university has 88 women scientists who carry out research projects. Of the 27 scientific projects being implemented, 7 women are project leaders (Karimova B. S., Sauytbayeva G. Z., Oralova G. S., Kamisheva G. A., Mustafayeva A. A., Aubakirova K. K. – 2 project, Abdrasheva D. M.). This is 30 percent. The share of female scientists under the age of 40 in research projects is 44 people (i.e. 50% percent).




Women make a great contribution to science and higher education in Kazakhstan. For example, Tokhetova Laura Anuarovna – doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor – member of the National Scientific Council, in 2024 she became the owner of a scientific scholarship. In 2022, together with Laura Tokhetova, candidate of technical sciences, professor Smailova Zhuldyz Zholdasovna was awarded the title of "Best Teacher of the University".

Among our 25 teachers who have received internships abroad under the project 500 scientists, there are 15 women. In 4 of the 8 scientific journals published at the university, the chief scientific editors are women (Maigeldieva Sh.M., Karimova B. S., Tokhetova L. A., Shilmanova a.m.), including the scientific editor of our journal, which is included in the ministerial list (Tokhetova L. A.). Of the 6 scientific centers, the head of the scientific center named after T. Kuanyshbayev is the candidate of Chemical Sciences Abyzbekova Gulmira Mynbaevna.  6 among the directors of the Institute, Duzelbaeva Gulshat Berikbaevna was appointed director of the Institute of Economics and law. Of the 4 educational programs, 14 leaders are women.


Teachers who dedicated their professional knowledge and fruitful work to the prosperity of the country, the development of the younger generation are our pride, – said Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna.
After that, a group of young people who showed excellent results in their activities were awarded the gold medal "Korkyt Ata", a Certificate of Honor and a letter of thanks from the rector of the university, as well as letters of thanks from the "Amanat" party. The festive event ended with a concert program of the university's artists.


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