Won an educational grant
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 23 April 2024
  • 1120

Won an educational grant

The regional Olympiad on programming "CPFED Qyzylorda Olymp" was held in the 5th academic building of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

The main goal of the Olympiad is to provide students of grades 9-11 of non – specialized secondary schools of the Kyzylorda region with the opportunity to demonstrate their programming skills. The competition was organized jointly by the Federation of sports programming, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University and the Regional Department of Education.

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The Sports Programming Federation has successfully launched a project for free training of students of grades 9-11 of general secondary schools in rural areas and small towns of the region to participate in computer science and programming оlympiads. This project allowed students of the entire region to participate in the оlympiad.

37 participants passed the qualifying round of the olympiad, which was held in an online format. The best three participants who showed the best results in the final were awarded educational grants and benefits from the educational institution.

The award ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the board-Rector of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Beibitkul Karimova and the representative of the Federation of sports programming Aidos Nurmash. According to the results of the olympiad, a student of the 10th grade of the National School “Ibray” Nurlan Sanzhar won a 100% educational grant from Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

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Yessenbek Rauan, a student of the 10th grade of School No. 144 named after S. Alzhikov, Erasyl Alpysbaevich, a student of the 11th grade of School No. 88 named after B. Abdrazakov, and Meirzhan Dzhanabayev, a student of the 10th grade of Lyceum No. 250, received a 50% discount in the competition. The winners of the third place were Telgara Balky, a student of the 9th grade of School-Lyceum №201 named after Al-Farabi, and Samgat Gabitovich, a student of the 10th grade of School-Lyceum №249 named after E. Bozgulov, who received a 25% discount.

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
Contact phone number: 8(7242) 26-21-34
e-mail: media_korkyt@mail.ru

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