Awarded the Presidential Scholarship +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 11 June 2024
  • 570

Awarded the Presidential Scholarship

Amirtay Akbota, a 4th year student of the educational program of "Water Resources and Land Management" of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, specialty 6B07369-Land Management, became the owner of the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Holders of the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan take into account not only their academic performance, but also their activity in scientific and creative life. Akbota, who meets this requirement, is also very successful.
Amirtay Akbota was awarded a diploma of the III degree in the specialty "Land Management" at the II stage of the XIV Republican subject Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On May 9, in honor of the Victory Day, she took the second place in the intra-university competition among Youth organizations.
Within the framework of the Republican Project "Talented Youth", organized by the National Innovation Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti", she took part in the competition "100 New Names of the Youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and was awarded a diploma and badge of the first degree. Her article was included in the book collection.
She is the  finalist of the competition "Scientific Internship in Laboratories of the World", organized by the Academician Sh.Yessenov Science and Education Foundation.
Akbota, who met the requirements of the Presidential Scholarship, excelled in her studies, took an active part in public life and made a team at international competitions, received not one, but three scholarships during the academic year. We congratulate our educated graduate on her success!


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