Awarded the Presidential Scholarship +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 11 June 2024
  • 672

Awarded the Presidential Scholarship

The winners of the Presidential Scholarships, which are awarded annually in order to stimulate the research and educational activities of students, are determined. 

Ruslanova Aruzhan, a 4th year student of the educational program "Water Resources and Land Management" of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Major 6B07368-Cadastre, became the owner of the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Aruzhan, who is recognized as worthy of receiving this scholarship, which takes into account the achievements of students at national and international Olympiads, creative competitions, sports competitions, festivals, participated in scientific conferences, Olympiads, took prizes, was awarded letters of thanks, diplomas within the walls of the University.
In particular, she took part in the Republican competition "The best Scientific Project of the Year-2020 " which was arranged by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti" to promote the program article of the head of State "Looking to the future: the modernization of public consciousness" among students and was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree and a badge "The best Author of a Scientific Project". Bronze medalist of the project "Medal of Elbasy " 2021-2022.
Her work was accepted for publication of the scientific project "IV International Book edition" of the National Movement "Bobek", an association of legal entities in the form of an incorporation and awarded with a diploma of the 1st degree "The Best Student – 2022 " and a badge.
In 2023, at the XV Republican subject Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, she was awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree in the specialty Cadastre and a certificate for active participation.
In the first stage of the Republican competition of student research works, she took the I place in the I stage and the III place in the II stage.
As an active student of the Institute, Aruzhan participated in public activities and was also recognized for her organizational skills, and during the academic year she received a scholarship three times. Congratulations on your success, Aruzhan!


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