The master of indian dance is on the land of Syrdarya +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 18 June 2024
  • 497

The master of indian dance is on the land of Syrdarya

The UN General Assembly declared June 21 the International Day of Yoga. Since the resolution adopted by India was supported by all 175 States in the General Assembly, in honor of this significant date, the Almaty-Kazakhstan Center for Indian Classical Dance and Yoga has been holding the International Yoga Day annually since 2015.

Honored artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akmaral Kainazarova held a yoga lesson based on mass wellness at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University. More than 30 residents of our city of different ages took part in it. The purpose of the International Yoga Day is to raise public awareness of the health benefits of yoga.

Then a concert was held in the Palace of Students. Indian classical dances and choreography of the harmony of Kazakh-Indian rhythms with the work of Akmaral Kainazarova were staged at the evening.


There was the presentation of the book by the Master of Indian dance Akmaral Kainazarova "Indian classical dance. Kazakhstan and India". It was attended by Sapen Ansatov, a veteran of labor, chairman of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Public Foundation, Mainur Buribayeva, Vice-rector for Science and International Relations of the University, senior lecturer of the Department of Traditional Musical Art and Choreography, Associate Professor Gulbanu Myrzabayeva and choreographers, students of this specialty.

In addition, the master performer of Indian classical dance conducted a master class on "Bharatanatyam dance", where she shared her experience with colleagues and students.

- This year it has been 26 years since I became an Indian classical dance performer and teacher. I studied in India for 7 years. I am the first specialist in this field in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. I decided to write down the terminology, the essence of Indian classical dance, its graceful, extraordinarily amazing harmony between the two countries. The topic is very vast, like the ocean. I had 2 dreams when I lived there. The first was the opening of a private dance center in Almaty, the second was writing a book about Indian classical dance. These dreams have come true. Indian classical dance is a philosophical art. It is rich in spiritual values," says choreographer Akmaral Kainazarova.


The dancer thanked the university staff, who organized various events for several days, and the audience who devoted their time.

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
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