A conference dedicated to Constitution Day was held at the University
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  • 30 August 2024
  • 925

A conference dedicated to Constitution Day was held at the University

A scientific and practical conference "Issues of Constitutional and state-legal development" was held at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.

Presentations were made by senior lecturer of the Philosophy and Socio-humanitarian disciplines section, Candidate of Political Sciences Yerbol Abenov, head of the educational program "Economics and Management", Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Gulmira Rysmakhanova, compliance officer Alibek Zhappasbayev and senior lecturer of the educational program "Jurisprudence", Master of Jurisprudence Zhadira Shukenova.




"The fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the priorities of the state's development. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for the creation of conditions for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, observance of law and order, which are fundamental in the fight against corruption. This is a key step in the development of our country," says compliance officer Alibek Zhappasbayev.

The speakers highlighted the importance of constitutional reform, the evolution of development and preventive measures against corruption. 

The meeting was attended by the teaching staff, and an exchange of views took place at the end of the conference.

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