Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki met with citizens of Kyzylorda +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 19 September 2024
  • 811

Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki met with citizens of Kyzylorda

Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Darkhan Zhumakhanovich visited Kyzylorda and met with the public of Syr region at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.  At a meeting with the population, Darkhan Zhumakhanovich presented the results of the work done for the first half of 2024 and reported on further plans.


"This year, the number of state grants amounted to 93,952, the volume of scholarships increased by 20% in bachelor's degree, 15% in master's and doctoral studies. In addition, one of the urgent issues is the phased solution of the construction of a dormitory. Currently, 27 dormitories with 10,576 beds are under construction. In addition, branches of 9 foreign universities have been opened in the country,” the Vice Minister noted.

Darkhan Zhumakhanovich explained the work plans for the development of higher education and science in the country for 2023-2029. In particular, the main results of the system of higher and postgraduate education, teacher training, the national model of engineering education, providing students with places in dormitories, branches of foreign universities, socialization and education of youth, development of a system of continuing education, access to global digital libraries and platforms, a new model of science administration, development of scientific potential, the results of commercialization projects, the concept of language policy development for 2023-2029.


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After the meeting, a personal appointment was organized. The Vice Minister listened to appeals and suggestions on the main issues related to science and higher education, and also answered questions.

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Currently, the income from research work at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University has increased 5 times. Of 30 scientific projects at the educational institution, 23 are carried out within the framework of grant funding from the Science Committee. 3 scientists of the university became holders of state scientific scholarships, 3 scientists joined the National Scientific Council. Also, within the framework of the 500 Scientists project, 13 teachers were trained abroad last year, and this year 6 more of our teachers are exchanging scientific experience abroad. An internal grant of the university has been allocated for three years to support the scientific research of young scientists for a total of 10 million tenge. And starting from this year, the volume of grants has increased by 20 million. In addition, financial sources are provided for scientists whose publications are published in the world's strongest journals.



Let us recall, Vice Minister Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki said that a joint scientific and technical hackathon of NAC Kazatomprom JSC will be held at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University on September 20. The main purpose of the meeting is to bring the results of science closer to production.

Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University

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