On Field Day, scientists showed the results of the project
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 25 September 2024
  • 385

On Field Day, scientists showed the results of the project

The "Field Day" was held with the participation of scientists from Korkyt Ata University. Gathering was organized at a sewage bio-treatment plant and a research site in the village of Tasboget.

The experts discussed the important results of the project "Development of a technology for the safe disposal of wastewater for irrigation of forage crops and tree plantations in conditions of water scarcity in Kyzylorda region". 

At the event, a member of the university's board, Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Relations Mainur Buribayeva noted the effective work in the field of science. Also, the project leader, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Serikbai Umirzakov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Research Professor Nurbol Appazov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Asylkhan Shomantayev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Ibadulla Tautenov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, research teacher Sholpan Umbetova and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Gulnara Sydykova delivered a presentation. The participants were presented with their scientific research and the importance of the project for the region.



"Dirty water from the sewage system is collected in a barrel with a capacity of 25 cubic meters, the purified water is cleared with activated carbon and sent through special pipes to the irrigation site. This is such a large-scale complex project," Serikbai Umirzakov said. 


Within the framework of the project, two varieties of adapted trees have been grafted - anise and ash, which contributes to an increase in the number of green spaces. 1 hectare of land has been developed, 70-75% of the planted trees have sprouted. Forage and cucurbits crops are also practiced.

During the event, the participants got acquainted with the work carried out in the experimental zone, visited the exhibition of scientific and experimental devices.


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