Deputy Karakat Abden met with students +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 25 September 2024
  • 487

Deputy Karakat Abden met with students

At Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, a member of the Finance and Budget Committee of the Majilis of the Parliament of RoK, a deputy from the rural party Karakat Abden held a meeting with students about NPP.


The meeting was attended by the vice-rector for Strategic Development and IT of the University Mahmut Tomanov, teachers and students of the university.


Karakat Abden noted that although the issue of building a NPP in Kazakhstan has been raised for 5 years, the final decision will be made through a referendum with the participation of the population. In the field of science and technology, NPPs are beneficial, it contributes to the growth of academic degrees and the formation of specialists.

Karakat Abden noted that 94 nuclear power plants operate in developed countries, like the USA, and this gives an impetus to the economic development of countries. Recalling also that Uzbekistan is building a NPP, Kazakhstan should build its own NPP in order not to buy energy.



At the meeting, teachers and students asked their questions and shared their thoughts related to the NPP. They had the opportunity to receive detailed information about the latest trends and innovative technologies in the energy sector.

The meeting was held in the format of an open dialogue and gave students motivation to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to Kazakhstan's energy strategy in the future.


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