What are the tastes of young people reading books?
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 07 October 2024
  • 542

What are the tastes of young people reading books?

Nowadays the number of young people who actively read books is growing. The proof of this is the frequent visits to libraries by young readers.

Currently, in the scientific library of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, the list of the most in-demand books includes "Management of the word" by J. Bulak, "Life loves you" by Louise Hay, "Change your mindset and change your life" by K. Bekzhigitova, "KemelAdam" by K. Zholdybaevich, "Kargyn" by D. Isabekov, "The Little Prince" by A.Saint-Exupery and "The Ideal Teacher" by G. Petrov.

In connection with the educational process, our students read with interest the books like B. Zhandarbekov's "The Saka", I. Yesenberlin's "Nomads", T. Zhurkbai's "Dulyga".

Motivational books are in high demand in the scientific library of an educational institution. Every book on the library shelves is of great value.

Nothing can replace a book that enriches the spiritual world of a person in the era of new technologies.

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