Madiyar Dusumbaevich: «We want to represent our country abroad as well as possible» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 14 October 2024
  • 396

Madiyar Dusumbaevich: «We want to represent our country abroad as well as possible»

While studying in Belgium, Madiyar Duzumbaevich shared his impressions and highlighted the teaching methods at the University of Hovest: "Teachers here work in an atmosphere of free communication with students, this motivates us. During the classes, not only do we gain knowledge, but we study the culture and experience of different countries. When we return to Kazakhstan, it will undoubtedly be difficult for us to part with such an environment. We want to represent our country abroad as well as possible. Therefore, we carry the banner of our country and pass it on to the citizens of other countries."

According to Madiyar, initially there were language barriers, but thanks to patience and adaptation to a new environment, they overcame these difficulties. He also noted that many students do not know much about such opportunities.: "I think many young people will be inspired if they keep up to date with the news and learn about our achievements."

Madiyar also shared the interests of his life abroad and expressed admiration for the Belgian infrastructure: "Trains between cities are like the subway. Since the country's territory is much smaller than in Kazakhstan, you can easily and inexpensively visit any city. Just recently we went to Lille, France"

In addition, Madiyar said that he had started studying the subject of artificial intelligence and would like to try himself in this field.

The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme is a great opportunity for students of Korkyt Ata University to study abroad and get acquainted with the culture and education system of different countries. This is not only an education, but also an experience that will become a bridge between countries.

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