Ersain Abadatdinovich: "I miss Kazakhstan” +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 16 October 2024
  • 311

Ersain Abadatdinovich: "I miss Kazakhstan”

A student of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, Ersain Abadatdinovich, got the opportunity to study in Belgium in the autumn semester of 2024. This suggests that his first trip abroad and his impressions were exceptional.

According to Yersain, he stayed in a hostel with other students. "The host country was warm and hospitable. The staff is ready to answer any question and provide assistance. During the first week, we adapted to the new environment, found out the location of classes and learned how to properly spend money on everyday needs. On the streets of Belgium, the combination of 18th-century buildings with modern style was especially impressive,” our hero said.

The first shopping trip was amazing. Ersain bought products in euros and compared them with prices in Kazakhstan. In addition, he emphasized that communication with the locals was easy and pleasant, they spoke English well and welcomed them with all their warmth.

"One of the joyful moments for me was that among my group-mates I met Alen, a Kazakh guy from Almaty. When we miss our homeland, we sing a Kazakh song. I miss Kazakhstan. The most difficult thing is that there is no our national cuisine abroad, well, nothing can replace the taste, the food of our homeland,” he shared his feeling of nostalgia for the country.

According to Yersain, the main advantage of studying in Belgium is the quality of education and new opportunities. We believe that a student of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University who is away from his homeland studying under the Erasmus+ international credit mobility program will return to his country with a higher education!

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