A member of the Commission for UNESCO got acquainted with the work of Scientific center «Korkyt studies»
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 18 October 2024
  • 394

A member of the Commission for UNESCO got acquainted with the work of Scientific center «Korkyt studies»

A member of the National Commission for UNESCO on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zhanerke Shaigozova got acquainted with the work of the Scientific center «Korkyt studies». 

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The purpose of the working trip is to study the heritage of Korkyt ata included in the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO in Kazakhstan in 2018: epic culture, folk tales and music.
In addition, senior lecturer of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, PhD Yslam Kurmaniyazovich familiarized with the exhibition hall of the scientific center "Archeology and Ethnography", separately focused on the archaeological research of scientists in the field of archeology.

During the working trip, the head of the scientific center "Mustafa Shokai", Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Tayman Sagat Tamshybaevich presented scientific projects on the legacy of Mustafa Shokai and shared the latest information.

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The scientific center "Korkyt studies" is headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Bagdat Karibozovich. Researcher of the Center, Master of Philology Botabayeva Zhanat Tungyshbaevna shared information about the work of the Scientific Center "Korkyt studies". The main purpose of the center is the comprehensive development of scientific, methodological and creative work of students, young scientists and teaching staff, as well as the organization of a comprehensive study and scientific analysis of the historical, literary, spiritual heritage of the region, determining its place in the history and culture of Eurasia through a comprehensive study of the history of the land of Syr (Kyzylorda region).

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