Ruslan Bakbergenuly's experience in Poland +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 20 November 2024
  • 635

Ruslan Bakbergenuly's experience in Poland

Ruslan Bakbergenuly, a student of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, is studying and gaining experience in Poland as part of the academic mobility program. Studying abroad allows you not only to study, but also to develop, get acquainted with new cultures and make plans for the future.

The moment of his first arrival in Poland was unforgettable for Ruslan. "You feel extraordinary, but there is still some doubt inside," he recalled. In the first days, it was not easy to get used to  foreign environment. "There were times when I wondered why I came here, but over time everything fell into place. It turns out that it only takes time to adapt,” he says.

No significant difference was observed in the education system between Kazakhstan and Poland. "The lessons have the same content, but studying abroad strengthens responsibility and teaches you to make your own decisions,” he said. At the same time, he is interested in studying for a master's degree abroad and determines plans for the future.

According to Ruslan, in Poland he entered the international environment and established close relations with students from different countries. "I have friends from Italy, Colombia, and I have a good relationship with my roommates."

In addition, there were language barriers. "My Speaking level was initially low, but over time it gets better through communication,” he said.

While in Poland, the student said that he had thought about many new ideas, which he plans to implement upon his return to Kazakhstan. "There are some similarities between Kazakhstan and Poland. For example, the development of a public transport system or the adoption of a recreation culture. But I think no nation will reach our culture," he says.

Studying abroad contributes to the development of Ruslan as a person, expanding his horizons of knowledge. His experience in Poland changed his view of life and contributed to setting clear goals for the future.

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