Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of linguist Rabiga Syzdyk +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 03 December 2024
  • 409

Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of linguist Rabiga Syzdyk

The republican scientific and practical conference "The Power of speech and the world of Rabiga Syzdyk" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the scientist, linguist Rabiga Syzdyk was held at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.



The conference was held by the head of the educational program, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences Asiya Almauytova. The first speaker was Kalbike Yesenova, Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Doctor of Philology, with a report on the topic "The linguistic personality of Academician Rabiga Syzdyk". She noted the unprecedented works of the scientist on the study of the Kazakh language and especially appreciated her influence on Kazakh literature and culture.

Associate professors of the Department of Kazakh Language, Literature and Journalism of Korkyt Ata University, Candidates of Philological Sciences Gulmira Bayalieva and Aman Abasilov in their reports noted the role of Rabiga Syzdyk in the study of the Kazakh literary language and its history. Gulmira Bayalieva touched upon the topic "Rabiga Syzdyk and issues of the Kazakh literary language", analyzed the contribution of the scientist to the formation and development of the literary language, Aman Abasilov in the report "Rabiga Syzdyk and the history of the Kazakh literary language: periodization and normalization" scientifically analyzed the historical stages of the Kazakh language.



During the conference, students also showed interest in the work of the scientist and took an active part in reports and discussions. They had the opportunity to express their views, realizing the importance of Rabiga Syzdyk's scientific heritage for the modern field of linguistics.

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