An intellectual competition was held among the students +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 06 December 2024
  • 512

An intellectual competition was held among the students

A competition among 2nd year students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" on the topic "Combating corruption is the task of every citizen" was held at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.

The students comprehensively discussed the negative impact of corruption on modern society, emphasizing the importance of education and systemic actions in the fight against it.

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Zhandos Zhusupaliev, Deputy Head of the Prevention Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency for Kyzylorda region, Sandugash Yeranova, Chief Specialist of the Administrative Management of the Department of Economic Investigations for Kyzylorda region, and compliance Officer Alibek Zhappasbayev took part in the competition, which aims to form an anti-corruption culture among young people.

Six teams took part in the competition, which competed in four stages. Each team demonstrated their knowledge and ingenuity and was evaluated according to a 5-point system.

As a result, "Akikat zharshylary" won the first place, "Femida" - the second place and the "Law and justice" team - the third place. The best teams were awarded special diplomas and Letters of Thanks.

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It is worth noting that this event was organized within the framework of the 16th United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (Peace, justice and strong institutions), aimed at deeply consolidating the ideology of law and order in society.

Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University
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