A collection of poems "Zerna granata" by Anar Izden was presented
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 20 December 2024
  • 589

A collection of poems "Zerna granata" by Anar Izden was presented

The presentation of the collection of poems “Zerna granata” by the famous akyn and public figure Anar Izden took place at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University. The event was held by the University's Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Mainura Buribayeva. The event was attended by university teachers and students.

Anar Izden is the chairman of the Alliance of Non–Governmental Organizations of the Kyzylorda region, the head of social projects, as well as the founder of the Umai orphanage. Having started her journalistic activity in the republican newspaper "Horizon", akyn also worked fruitfully in the field of translations. She translated articles by Sherkhan Murtaza and poems by Seisen Mukhtarovich into Kazakh.

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Thanks to her love of literature, more than 200 poems, 10 short stories and 5 plays were born from her pen. Akyn's works glorify the spiritual values of humanity, harmony with nature and current problems of society.

The collection "Zerna granata" includes works by akyn, written in different years. The collection, published in Russian, consists of five parts. Each section clearly reflects deep thought, subtle lyrics and the versatility of poetry. These works tell about the relationship between love, nature, man and society.

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During the meeting, the participants got to know akyn's work better, exchanged views on the spiritual content and deep thoughts of her poetry.

Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University
Contact phone: 8(7242) 26-21-34
e-mail: media_korkyt@mail.ru


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