Qualified psychologists shared their experiences
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 25 December 2024
  • 474

Qualified psychologists shared their experiences

A round table "Amazing World" dedicated to the "Day of Psychologists" was held at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.

The purpose of the round table was to discuss new trends and scientific achievements in the field of psychological support, as well as to improve the knowledge of students.

During the event, current problems, new methods and scientific achievements in the field of psychology were discussed. The participants shared their experiences and noted the importance of psychological support and cooperation in the educational process. 

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The event was attended by Gulmira Ilyasova, a trainer, family consultant of the Healthy Lifestyle program, Saltanat Asanova, PhD doctor of Philosophy, an experienced psychologist, Gestalt therapist, certified in accordance with the accreditation requirements of the European Association of Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), head of the INSAN Practical Psychological Center, psychologist Almagul Ayaganova, associate professor at the Presidential Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Kyzylorda region, senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Sholpan Imangalievа, EP Psychology and Methods of Primary Education at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, students and teachers specializing in Pedagogy and Psychology.

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The round table was organized by the educational program "Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Primary Education" of the University and the Psychological Support Center.

During the event, proposals and ideas aimed at developing a system of psychological assistance were discussed. This, in turn, contributes to professional development in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

 Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University
Contact phone: 8(7242) 26-21-34
e-mail: media_korkyt@mail.ru

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