Advanced training course was held for school teachers +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 24 January 2025
  • 348

Advanced training course was held for school teachers

Advanced training course for school teachers was held at the Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University. The purpose of the seminar for teachers is to present modern innovative teaching methods and show ways to effectively use knowledge in the field of STEM and artificial intelligence.

The course is organized on a 72-hour paid basis under the program "STEM and artificial intelligence – an integrated model in education".

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The course is taught by Saulesh Menlikhozhayeva, Associate Professor of the University's educational program "Physics and Mathematics", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Gulzat Yensebayeva, Senior lecturer, PhD, and Akzhan Akhatai, holder of the "Republican STEM Coach" certificate.

The course was attended by schools of the city and the district, in particular, lyceum school No. 187 named after M.Shokai, private school "Orda school", secondary school No. 290, Lyceum school No. 101 named after Ali Muslimuly, KSU "Secondary School No. 148", Shieli district, boarding school for children "DARYNDY" at the private school "Baiterek school", school "Q STEM", private educational institution "Ulagat bilim Ordasy", school "Mansap", Kazakh secondary school No. 140 named after Abylai Khan, school-gymnasium No. 226 named after B.Mergenbayev, Kazalinsky district, secondary school No. 222 named after T.Ryskulov, comfortable school "Syr Bilim" LLP, private school "Zerde" and undergraduates of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.

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The seminar concluded with the workshop "STEM and Artificial Intelligence – an integrated model in education", where the participants were awarded certificates.

Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University
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