A round table on "The Golden Horde and the formation of the Kazakh State" was held
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 12 March 2025
  • 181

A round table on "The Golden Horde and the formation of the Kazakh State" was held

A round table on "The Golden Horde and the formation of the Kazakh state" was held at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. The event was attended by leading historians and archaeologists of the country and foreign countries. The meeting was moderated by Director of the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Sagat Taiman.

The scientific meeting comprehensively discussed the historical and cultural heritage of the Golden Horde era, the political structure, the economy, its disintegration and the impact on the formation of the Kazakh state.
During the round table, the director of "Saraishyk" State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Muktar Abylseit made a presentation on the topic "Monuments of the Golden Horde of Atyrau region and their study" and presented new information about the importance of the city of Saraishyk in the Golden Horde era and archaeological findings related to this period. Svetlana Valiulina, Associate Professor at Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, spoke on the topic "Glass production in the cities of Asanas and Kyshkala (Barshynkent) during the Golden Horde period," noting the influence of handicraft production in medieval cities and its impact on trade.

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Professor of the educational program "History and Archeology", Doctor of Historical Sciences Uteubai Kozhakovich made a presentation on the topic "Collapse and destruction of the Golden Horde", where he analyzed the internal and external causes of the collapse of the state. Doctor of Historical Sciences Tastanbek Satbai in his report "The place of the Golden Horde State in the history of Eurasia" revealed the role of the Golden Horde in regional and international politics.

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The scientific secretary of Kyzylorda Regional Museum of Local Lore, Askhat Sailau, analyzed the development of monetary circulation and trade of that era in his report "Types of tenge from the Golden Horde period (according to the museum's funds)". Islam Kurmaniyazov, PhD, Senior lecturer of the educational program "History and Archeology", presented new information on the study of medieval cities of the Syr region in the report "New data on the cities of the Syr region during the Golden Horde".

During the round table, scientists shared their scientific opinions on the cultural and political heritage of the Golden Horde, medieval cities, archaeological research, trade, money circulation and the reasons for the collapse of the state.

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