The seventh auditorium  has been updated at the expense of sponsors +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 16 September 2022
  • 1947

The seventh auditorium  has been updated at the expense of sponsors

At the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University opened a lecture hall named after Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Asanov Zhumatai Ilesbayuly.

The major renovation of the auditorium was carried out by the descendants of the scientist. It is worth noting that this is the seventh lecture hall, which in the next three years was reconstructed at the expense of sponsorship funds.

At the event, the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the Korkyt ata Kyzylorda State University Beibitkul Karimova highlighted the scientist's contribution to science and education.

- Nowadays, the educational institution has become a tradition to honor the names of scientists who have made a great contribution to the development of science and education. Especially the descendants of scientists participate in this moral initiative. Over the past 3 years, we have been opening the 7th lecture hall at the expense of sponsors. These measures will be continued in the future.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Asanov Zhumatai Ilesbaevich has been working at the university as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor since 1970.

Zhumatai Ilesbaevich taught  the disciplines "School pedagogy", "Pedagogical science in Kazakhstan", "Methods of scientific research of pedagogy", "Ethnopedagogy", – said Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna.

Sungat Asanov was awarded the "Korkyt Ata Gold Medal" for his contribution to the strategic development of the educational institution.

The event was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, relatives of the scientist, faculty and students.

It should be noted that in May of this year, the university opened a lecture hall named after Altynbek Yernazarov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, professor, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the meeting, the deputy of the city maslikhat, Altynbek Ernazarov's brother Kairat Ernazarov, who sponsored the opening of this auditorium, was awarded the "Korkyt Ata Gold Medal" for his contribution to the strategic development of the educational institution.

Doctor of  Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Asanov Zhumatai Ilesbaevich was born on May 25, 1941 in the village of Komsomol of Syrdarya district of Kyzylorda region.

In 1962 he graduated from the N.V. Gogol Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Biology, Chemistry and Fundamentals of Agriculture.

In 1962-1970 he worked as a teacher in schools, served in the army.

Since 1970, he has worked at the university as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor.

In 1981, he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Pedagogical effectiveness of circle classes in agrochemistry on an interdisciplinary basis in rural secondary schools" at the Moscow State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Lenin under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor D. P. Eridin.

In 2004, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Didactic foundations of the formation of the system of ethnopedagogical knowledge and skills of students" under the guidance of PhD, Professor Kudaikulov M. A. At the Dissertation Council at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

Zhumatai Ilesbaevich received the title of "Kazakhstan Respublikasyn Halyk Agartu isinin ozyk kyzmetkeri" (1990), was appointed a member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1992), corresponding member of the Russian International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (2003), honorary academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan (2006).

In addition, Zhumatai Ilesbaevich was awarded the badges "Halyk agartu isinin kyzmetkeri", "Kazakhstan Republikasyn gylymyn damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin" and I.Altynsarin.

The professor is the author of 4 textbooks, 2 monographs, 14 methodological manuals, 4 popular science and 1 dictionary book and more than 100 scientific articles.

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