Аrchaeologists took part in the international forum
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 20 October 2022
  • 1724

Аrchaeologists took part in the international forum

The V International Congress of Archeology of the Eurasian steppe "Eurasian steppe civilization: man and historical and cultural environment" was held in Turkestan. For the first time, an archaeological forum was held on the Eurasian scale. The meeting was attended by more than 200 leading scientists from domestic and foreign countries.

At the Congress, topical  issues of Eurasian archeology were discussed and solutions were proposed. New ideas aimed at solving urgent problems of preservation and use of archaeological, as well as historical and cultural heritage have been published through joint cooperation of the world scientific community based on modern multi-genre methods.

The forum was attended by the Head of the scientific center of Archeology and Ethnography of the University, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Seidali Bilyalov, the scientific staff of the center, masters of history Gulmira Amirgali and Zhetesbi Sultanzhanov, who made reports on the topics: "The city of Oguz: historical landscape and  new exploration" and "Glazed ceramics of the early mediaeval city of Zhankent". Scientific articles were included in the collection of materials of the Congress "5 th International congress of Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe Kazakhstan, Eurasian steppe civilization: human and the historical and cultural environment Turkey,11-14 October, 2022".

Irina Arzhantseva, a leading researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS , who conducts research together with Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda university, and Heinrich Harke, professor at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, made reports on the results and prospects of research in the medieval city of Zhankent, located in our region.



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