Training of qualified specialists in water resources is in the spotlig +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 01 February 2023
  • 1431

Training of qualified specialists in water resources is in the spotlig

A round table "Issues of ensuring and improving water management in the Kyzylorda region" was held at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

At a meeting organized at the museum named after Madelkhena Nalibayeva, Professor of the Department of Water Resources and Land Management Serikbay Koshkarov presented a proposal for training specialists in water supply.

The scientist noted that the irrigated areas of about 300 thousand hectares of engineering systems in the region can be used in accordance with high requirements only if there is a sufficient number of water supply specialists.


At the meeting, scientists and entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture expressed their opinion on the training of specialists in water supply.

At the end of the round table, Professor of the Department of Water Management and Land Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serikbai Umirzakov made proposals.


- Now about 30 water supply specialists work in 500 farms of the Kyzylorda region. In this regard, the shortage of water specialists is 250-300 specialists. It is obvious that under such conditions, the effective use of dwindling water resources in the irrigated fields of the engineering system becomes impossible. Therefore, in order to bring the irrigation of produced crops to scientific conclusions and improve the reclamation and environmental conditions of irrigated sowing, it is necessary to provide farms with water specialists in the near future," Serikbai Umirzakov noted.

In addition, the heads of farms need to contribute to the training of specialists in water supply, form campaign groups for the extensive, intensive dissemination of proposals in the farms of the region, students enrolled in the Department of "Water Resources and Land Management".



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