Announcement +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 03 February 2023
  • 1869


Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Internationalization of higher education: experience, problems and prospects of development"
Date: May 17, 2023.
The purpose of the conference is to comprehend the methodological foundations of the internationalization of higher education in a multipolar world and the need to take into account the implementation of the national interests of the countries of the world community in the development of cooperation; exchange of experience.
Format of the event: offline, online Zoom platform (a link to participate in the online conference will be sent additionally, and also published on the website of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University)
Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to:
Plenary session
Conference sections
Section 1. "Internationalization of higher education: challenges and realities"
Section 2. Education in the Digital age: Prospects and problems (COIL)
Section 3. Actual problems of linguistics and methods of teaching languages at the University
The working language of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English, French, German.
Forms of participation: full-time, part-time, remote.
Form of work: oral reports and speeches.
To participate in the conference, you must send an APPLICATION to the organizing committee, an article by e-mail:
The deadline for accepting materials for participation in the conference is until May 13, 2023.
The conference materials are published in the author's edition in the form of an electronic collection of scientific papers. The collection of scientific papers is assigned international standard numbers ISBN, UDC, BBK, copyright marks, state registration numbers. The collection will be published on the university's website. The publication of materials in the collection of scientific papers is free of charge.
The address of the organizing committee: Kyzylorda, 29A Aiteke bi str.,
Contact person: mobile phone:87772487073; 87051666252.
Information about the conference is available on the website of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.
Requirements for the design of articles
The page of the article is no more than 5 full pages. The participants of the conference can present both individually completed works and works performed by author teams with no more than 3 participants. The number of conference articles in which one person acts as an author (co–author) is no more than 2.
The composition of the materials sent

1. An article in the form of a file (with the name of the conference indicated in the subject of the letter) in the format

MS WORD WINDOWS-2007/2010.
The name of the article file should be as follows: 1_Aliev_Base.doc,
section number, surname of the first author and the first word of the article title.

2. The application of the participant(s), filled out in the appropriate form (sent as a separate

file) – for each author separately.
The name of the application file should be as follows:
  1. Aliev_ The main_application.doc;
  2. Ibray_ The main_application.doc;
  3. Kadyrov_ The main_application.doc;
Rules for the design of the manuscript of the article:
  1. The article should be typed in the "Word" editor in Times New Roman font.
  2. Field sizes: left and right — 2.5 cm, top — 2 cm, bottom — 3 cm.
  3. Font size — 14; line spacing — single; Times New Roman font — straight; alignment to the width of the sheet.
  4. It is necessary to install automatic hyphenation.
  5. The paragraph indentation should be the same for the entire text and equal to 1.25.
  6. The page number is placed at the bottom in the middle of the sheet (from the edge to the page number — 2.0 cm). The column digit must be the same size as the main text.
  7. The images used must be in TIFF, JPEG, PNG format and have a resolution of 300 ppi.
  8. Images are inserted into the manuscript with reference to the text, or attached in a separate folder. The images attached to the folder should be numbered in order, and in the manuscript, the corresponding numbers and captions should be placed in the places where the images are placed. The image numbers and captions indicated at the insertion point are highlighted in red.
  9. Elements of composite images and images created from MicrosoftWord autofigures should be linked in order to avoid loss of any of their components during layout.
  10. Illustrations and tables should not go to the margins of the document.
  11. The names of the drawings are placed under the drawings with alignment in the center.
  12. Table names are placed above the tables: table number (Table ....) — in the 1st row, right alignment; table name - in the 2nd row, center alignment.
  13. At the end of the article, skipping one line, print the title BIBLIOGRAPHIC LIST from the zero position and place a list of literary sources through another line, designed according to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.100-2018 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of the document". (Samples of the bibliographic description are attached). The numbering of the bibliographic list is given in the order of the sequence of references. All literary sources should be referenced in the text of the article (in square brackets).
Sample design of the article
UDC (55.042 + 571.12)
E.K.Nurlanbekova, A.P.Makasheva
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University
Keywords: .....
Keywords: ..... (in English)Abstract.... (in English)
The text of the article.....
Samples of the bibliographic description
The book of authors
Agafonova N. N. Civil law: studies. handbook for universities / N. N.Agafonova, T.V.Bogacheva,
L.I.Glushkova. – 2nd Ed., reprint. and additional – Saratov: Lawyer, 2011. – 542 p. – Text : direct.
Conference materials
Problems of engineering and socio-economic education in a technical university in the context of modernization of higher education: materials region. scientific method. conf. –Astana: ENU, 2016. – 319 p. – Text: direct.
Article from the conference materials
Aksenova N. A. Analysis of the state of technological means and technologies for opening productive horizons / N. A. Aksenova, V. V. Saltykov. – Text: direct // Modeling of technological processes of drilling, production and transportation of oil and gas on the basis of modern information technologies : the second All-Russian scientific and technical Conf. April 19-21, 2000 – Tyumen, 2000. – pp. 8-9. Russian Russian dictionaries, encyclopedias, Russian-English dictionary : 15,000 words / comp. T. A. Karpova. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010. – 446 p. – Text: direct. Kuzmin N. I. Automobile reference book-encyclopedia: [about 3000 names and terms] / N. A. Kuzmin, V. I. Peskov. – Moscow: FORUM, 2014. – 287 p. – Text: direct

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