A volleyball tournament was held at the Institute of Economics and Law
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 07 February 2023
  • 1476

A volleyball tournament was held at the Institute of Economics and Law

A volleyball tournament among girls was held at the Institute of Economics and Law of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people, 7 teams of 1st year students took part in the sports event.

At the tournament, the director of the Institute, Nurlan Kulmurzayev, noted that one of the main problems facing society was the increase in the use of harmful habits by young people, such as smoking, electronic cigarettes, and called for a healthy lifestyle.

In the volleyball tournament, the first place was taken by the training group SR-22-5, the second place by the training group SR-22-1.5, the third place by the training group SR-22-3.

Kamila Sarieva, a student of the U-22-5 study group, Kundyzai Batyrbek, a student of the SR-22-1 study group, Dilnaz Zharkynbekovna, a student of the SR-22-3 study group, and Nursulu Nuralieva, a student of the SR-22-5 study group, won in the "Best Player" nomination.

The sports event was organized by the director of the Institute Nurlan Kulmyrzaev, Deputy director Aybolat Zhusupov, senior lecturer of the Institute Elmira Toylybekova, Chairman of the Student Council of the Institute Sultan Begzada.


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