How did the institutes celebrate Nauryz? +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 24 March 2023
  • 1608

How did the institutes celebrate Nauryz?

Nauryz holiday was welcomed by the Department of "Kazakh language, Literature and Journalism" at the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute. The national tradition has continued this year, the institutes of the department organize a special festive event.

The study groups of the department "Architecture and Construction Production" popularized national traditions and organized competitions in sports.

On the eve of the Nauryz holiday, a competition of the show "Nauryz Kozhe" was held among the groups of the educational program "Food Technology" of the Institute "Pedagogical and Traditional Art". The students held our national holiday at the highest level.

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An intellectual competition was held among the 1st-year students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages and translation". The competition was held at a very high level. The competition was organized according to the stages "Presentation", "Video question". Students who proved themselves according to national traditions won prizes.

The Institute of Natural Sciences organized an educational and cognitive event for students of groups Fks - 22 - 13 and Fks - 22-15 in the specialty "Physical training" by senior lecturer of the Department of History, Candidate of Political Sciences Shyrinkul Tukhmarova. The students actively participated in the national games, learned about Kazakh traditions and customs.

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