Regional english language olympiad +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 29 April 2022
  • 2472

Regional english language olympiad

In honor of the 85th anniversary of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, the Department of foreign languages and translation arranged a regional Olympiad in the discipline "English language". 202 students applied for participation in the Olympiad.

The first stage of the educational competition was held via the university e-univer base ( Applicants answered the test questions in the English language, and students with high scores received a ticket to the 2nd stage. In the II round of the Olympiad, graduates chose one of 6 topics and wrote an essay of 300 words.

As a result, the third place was taken by Alina Abdykalikova, a student of  №279 secondary school in Akay village, Karmakshy district, Symbat Kurmanaliyeva, a student of №15 Lyceum, and Uldana Kylyshbay, a student of №11 Lyceum. The second place was shared by Amina Bazarbayeva, a student of №11 Lyceum School, and Aruzhan Nurken, a student of №15 Lyceum School. A student of № 15 Lyceum Shugyla Anis, who became the winner of the Olympiad, was awarded a Rector's grant.

In addition, the head of the Department of Foreign languages and translation   Aizhan Makasheva introduced students to the classrooms and gave information about the educational institution. Seth Agbo, a professor at Lakehead University, delivered a lecture to schoolchildren in the language room 112 on the education system abroad. Students who studied at the University of Lodz in Poland on academic mobility made a presentation and shared their impressions. In the course of the session, students asked their questions and received advice from specialists.

At the end of the event, the winners were awarded with special diplomas and took memorable photos.


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