Awarded scientists of the University +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 27 April 2023
  • 1183

Awarded scientists of the University

A scientific meeting was held at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University with the participation of the Chairman of the Board-Rector Beibitkul Karimova. Scientists who have contributed to the strategic development of the university and in the field of science of the country were awarded at the meeting.

In particular, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, member of the National Scientific Council Laura Tokhetova was awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science". In addition, the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Abdilda Toreshbayev, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Bakhytzhan Janmuldayev, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Saken Uderbayev and Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Nurlybek Akhatayev.

In addition, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Panabek Tanzharykov, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Nurbek Konyrbayev and Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Zhannat Saparovna were awarded a "Letter of Thanks" by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  And the diploma of the international Kazakh creative association "Beibitshilik Alemi" and the medal "Halyk mugalimi" were awarded to the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Kazybai Kudaibergenovich.



In the future, our scientists will contribute to the development of the country and the training of qualified specialists.  Congratulations!

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