The V Central Asian Conference on Climate Change has started in Dushanbe +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 18 May 2023
  • 1289

The V Central Asian Conference on Climate Change has started in Dushanbe

On May 16, the V Central Asian Conference on Climate Change (CACIC-2023) started in Dushanbe, attended by Yerzhan Aruzhan, a 2nd-year undergraduate student of the educational program 7M08674 – Water resources and Water Use of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

Aruzhan received an invitation to participate in the conference as the winner of the national stage of the Student Olympiad on Sustainable Development Goals 2023 in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The fifth CACIC-2023 brought together more than 300 delegates from Central Asian countries, as well as stakeholders to discuss climate change mitigation and adaptation, and relevant initiatives to achieve intersectoral resilience to climate change.

The purpose of the conference is to study the problems and shortcomings in the implementation of the climate commitments of the Paris Agreement by the Central Asian countries, as well as to consider the possibilities of regional cooperation and increasing the sustainability of environmental, water, energy and food resources of the region.

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