A competition for French language courses
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 02 June 2023
  • 1632

A competition for French language courses

Within the framework of trilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "Center for International Programs" ("Bolashak") and the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan, a competition is announced to participate in the Language Training Program for young professionals.
The winners will have the opportunity to take a one-year French language course for free and, after that, go on an internship in France, or continue studying French to enroll in a Master's degree program at a French university.
Terms of participation: 
- age up to 35 years
- bachelor's degree in engineering and technical profile
- GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0
- work experience in engineering and technical specialty of at least one year. Priority areas: agriculture, engineering, nuclear and renewable energy, telecommunications, computer science and IT.       
- motivated desire to undergo an internship at the enterprise or Master's degree program "Bolashak" for specialists of engineering and technical profile (list of specialties here: https://bolashak.gov.kz/ru/pretendentu/specialnosti and https://bolashak.gov.kz/.../specialnosti-dlya-stazhirovok )
To submit an application, you must send it to contact-scac.astana-amba@diplomatie.gouv .fr the following documents are in PDF format:
- CV
- a copy of the Bachelor's degree with the appendix
- a work record, with a note about the work experience
- motivation letter (why do you need language training).
The competition will last until June 25, 2023.
For all questions about the program, please contact: Alibi Bayturin (CMP "Bolashak": baiturin_a@bolashak.gov.kz  ), or Xavier Le Torrivellec (French Embassy in Kazakhstan: xavier.le-torrivellec@diplomatie.gouv.fr  ).

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