International scientific and Practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician of Social Sciences Mustafa Matayev +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 06 June 2023
  • 1398

International scientific and Practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician of Social Sciences Mustafa Matayev

The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University hosted an international scientific and practical conference "Humanitarian aspects of the development of Kazakh society in the period of transformation", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Mustafa Matayev.

Reports on the development of the education system, regional youth policy, and Kazakh philosophy were presented at the conference.

At the conference, Chairman of the Kyzylorda regional Maslikhat, Candidate of Historical Sciences Nauryzbai Baykadamov noted the scientist's contribution to the development of the education and science system.

Chairman of the Board –Rector of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Candidate of Philological Sciences Beibitkul Karimova noted that the life and career of a scientist are a real example for modern youth.



- Mustafa Mataevich proved that in the first years of independence, the main direction of our state is the creation of a rule of law, within which the region needs a large number of highly qualified legal personnel, that such personnel should be trained on the basis of a higher educational institution. Soon, the university began training personnel in this specialty, and the management of the first department "Jurisprudence", which opened in 1992, was entrusted to a talented scientist, a qualified teacher Mustafa Mataevich.

Mustafa Mataevich gathered qualified teachers from different parts of the country, training legal specialists, and also formed the necessary educational and methodological base for legal specialists, - said Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna.

In 1969-1980, Mustafa Matayev was the head of the Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy of the N.V. Gogol Pedagogical Institute (now Kyzylorda University named after N.V. Gogol). Korkyt ata.), by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of December 1, 1971, was awarded the title of associate professor of the Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy.

In 1980-1992 he worked as Dean of the Faculty of Philology, in 1992-2002 - head of the Department "Jurisprudence", then "Theory and History of State and Law". From 2002 until the end of his life he worked as the head of this department, professor of the department.

He has received many medals, awards and titles in educational, scientific and social activities.

As a result of research and educational work, he became the author of 55 scientific papers.

At the suggestion of the scientist, qualified young people were sent to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Almaty, Astana to graduate school in law, to exchange experience.



To date, the university has a special department for the training of legal personnel, educated, experienced lawyers and scientists who continue to occupy the position of their teacher.

The Criminalistics laboratory, founded by Mustafa Mataevich, is engaged in large-scale projects. While the student "Legal Clinic" is systematically engaged in high-quality legal services to the population, the "Zhas Zanger" club also conducts research.

The conference was attended by foreign scientists, the wife of Mustafa Mataevich Torgyn Aimuratova, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, students, scientists of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, faculty, students, media representatives in online and offline format.

The conference participants got acquainted with the M. Matayev auditorium located in the building No. 1 of the University. The descendants of the scientist handed over books from the personal fund of M. Matayev to the scientific library of the university.

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
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