Defended Master's thesis +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 16 June 2023
  • 1614

Defended Master's thesis

Under the scientific supervision of Professor of the Department of Architecture and Construction Production, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Bisenova Kylyshbaya Aldabergenovich Abilbayeva Raushan Muratovna and Zhakash Daulet Kairatovich successfully defended their master's thesis in the final attestation commission for the educational program "7M07365-Construction" on the topics "Environmental and economic efficiency of reconstruction of the Aral-Sarybulak group water pipeline" and "Application of BIM technology in design work and construction".



Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Architecture and Construction Production" Kylyshbai Bisenov, who made a great contribution to the development of education and science, teaching students, sharing world experience and scientifically guiding undergraduates at a high level, noted a number of issues in accordance with the presented topics.

- Providing high-quality drinking water to residents of the Kyzylorda region and the city today is one of the most difficult problems. Of particular importance is the negative impact of environmental problems on the health of the population in the Aral Sea region. Therefore, the reconstruction of the Aral-Sarybulak group water pipeline is very relevant both in environmental and economic terms to ensure the well-being and health of the population, the Aral and Kazalinsky districts in order to provide high-quality drinking water," said Kylyshbai Aldabergenovich.

In the course of the study, solutions were proposed to modernize the operation of the Aral-Sarybulak group water pipes and improve the environmental safety and economic efficiency of water supply systems.

In addition, currently one of the urgent problems in the construction sector is the use of BIM technologies that determine the prospects for the development of design companies. The study "The level of development and application of BIM technologies in companies", organized by the National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 1 to June 30, 2020, determined the relevance, indicating the existence of issues that have yet to be scientifically studied and specified in this area.

A model for choosing a strategy for implementing BIM technology based on the criterion of using resources in information technology processes and classification of implementation strategies is proposed. He noted that methodological recommendations have been developed to assess the effectiveness of the processes of transition to information modeling, depending on the stage of development of the project company, and stressed that undergraduates worked hard to solve the tasks.

In conclusion, it was unanimously approved that these undergraduates have the right to receive an academic degree of Master of Technical Sciences.


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