The Message leads to new achievements +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 15 September 2023
  • 1428

The Message leads to new achievements

In order to discuss the implementation of the directions of the Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan concerning youth, and familiarization with the work of the youth wing of the organization "Zhastar Rukhy", a meeting with students was held at the university.

At the meeting, Gulshat Musayeva, executive secretary of the city branch of the AMANAT party, spoke about the formation of a creative economy, the opening of a profession for young people, and the possibility of receiving an irrevocable grant.



Also at the meeting it was told in detail about the goals and objectives of the youth wing "Zhastar Rukhy", implemented projects.

- The youth wing "Zhastar Rukhy" is a youth organization that unites more than 100 thousand young people, patriots, striving for knowledge, hardworking, loyal to their homeland, loving their country and land. During the period of its formation, the Youth Wing "Zhastar Rukhy" has gone from a volunteer movement to a large youth organization. Zhastar Rukhy has one of the key positions in the youth movement of the state. The organization stood at the origins of the formation of the state youth policy of the country and demonstrated its influence on its development. Currently, the youth wing of "Zhastar Rukhy" is an organization that carries out many major social, environmental, patriotic, cultural and mass events and charitable initiatives.,- the head of the Department of social and educational work of the Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University Zhanar Bimuratkyzy noted.


At the meeting, Nursulu Zhanabergen was elected to the position of head of the department of the youth wing "Zhastar Rukhy" at the university.

The meeting was attended by the adviser of the regional branch of the youth wing "Zhastar Rukhy" Asem Kakarmanova, the head of the city department of the youth wing "Zhastar Rukhy" Ali Kenesuly.


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