"Ulylar ulagaty: Tolegetai baba men Kylyshty ata"
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 25 September 2023
  • 1536

"Ulylar ulagaty: Tolegetai baba men Kylyshty ata"

A scientific and educational conference "Ulylar ulagaty: Tolegetai baba men Kylyshty ata" was held at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. The conference was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, faculty and students.



At the conference, the chairman of the regional maslikhat Nauryzbai Baykadamov noted the lifestyle of historical figures and read out the congratulations of the akim of the region N.Nalibayev to the participants of the conference.

In addition, the president of the Tolegetai Baba Public foundation, Dayrabai Iskakovich, noted that the exploits and merits of Babalar should be glorified every time.

- In times of militancy, in difficult times, when many ru died out. Some dispersed and joined other uluses. Currently, the dream of the ancestors has come true, and the Kazakh country has become a cohesive, peaceful state. The purpose of the republican scientific and educational conference in the Syr region is to popularize the work of ancestors., - said Dairabai Iskakovich.



The state and public figure Muhammad Kopeev, Professor of the L.N.Eurasian National University, made a report at the conference. Gumilyova, Doctor of Historical Sciences Tursynkhan Zakhenovich on the topic "The Naiman State and its collapse in medieval sources", representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kenzhebek Alkozhayev on the topic "Medieval Kazakhstan (VII-XII centuries): the formation of Islam and the role of theologians of the Hanafi Madhhab", Kyrgyz writer-historian of the Republic Musa Sapayev noted that "Molda Niyaz – the personality of the Kechmpunduk civilization", project manager of the International Foundation "Ketbuka-Tulegetai" "Alternative study of the history and culture of the East – Kazakhstan region" Aibek Karimov on the topic "Continuity of the fate of the descendants of Khoja-Tulegetai Baba", Associate Professor of Korkyt Baba Kyzylorda University, PhD Talgat Zholdasovich on the topic "The place of the Khoja dynasties in the history of the peoples of Central Asia: Seyit Burhaniddin on the example of the Kylysh dynasty (XIII-XIX centuries)".

At the end of the large-scale event, the proposals and responses of the participants were heard.


Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
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