Children's Day was celebrated at the university +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 01 June 2022
  • 2404

Children's Day was celebrated at the university

On June 1, the International Children's Day was held at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University as part of the "Year of the Child". The children of the university staff and residents of the city took part in the festive gathering. Director of the Institute of Economics and Law Nurlan Kulmurzayev congratulated the guys on the holiday and expressed his best wishes.

"The future of our country is today's young generation. There is nothing more precious than a child, more precious than a child's smile. The child is our priceless treasure. Our main task is to tell the story of the future of young people who will become the backbone of our country," Nurlan Serikovich said.

In the evening, the children showed their skills and received applause. They also took part in sports competitions and painted. Such an event plays an important role in improving the creative abilities of children and their aesthetic education.

In order to expand the worldview of children and inspire them to read, the "Give a Book" campaign was held. They were told that the book is the most useful and relevant gift, that despite modern technology, its value will not be lost.

Animators organized games for children and distributed free ice cream. The distinguished children were awarded prizes and special nominations. All this was organized to entertain the children and please them.

It is worth noting that the general sponsor of the event is Askhat Shaukenbayev, the founder of the BIALI SPORT sporting goods store. The party was also supported by the Kazgermunai Council of Young Specialists and the Regional Department of Culture and Sports.

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