The winners of the competition of innovative projects have been determined +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 30 October 2023
  • 1313

The winners of the competition of innovative projects have been determined

The Entrepreneurship Center of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University held the final event of the Startup Joly incubation program.

With the support of the "National Agency for the Development of Innovations" QazInnovations", 127 applications were received for participation in the second season of the incubation program, which started in August, and 57 projects were accepted for the program.

Startup Joly is a program aimed at providing innovative startups and entrepreneurial initiatives with the necessary resources, improving skills in various aspects of entrepreneurship, including ideas, marketing, sales and legal issues. Within the framework of the program, 16 free seminars and master classes were held for participants in order to develop projects from the idea stage to the prototype level.

 The purpose of the competition of innovative projects is to identify the best innovators of the region, support and assistance in the development of their projects. At the final event of the incubation period Demo Day, the jury presented 22 projects. Among these projects are digital "VR glasses", "Ecotrade", "Syr-Lax", "Janarym AI".

At the competition, Zamanbek Zhaksylykov won a prize of 500 thousand tenge for the "BumpIt" project. Arsen Sagidullayev was awarded 300 thousand tenge. Aitalyn Akynbayeva with the project "Orda Studio" won a prize of 200 thousand tenge. In addition  the financial award, a certificate was awarded. Through the certificate, you can participate in the grant programs of the "National Agency for the Development of Innovations"QazInnovations" and the International Technopark Astana Hub.


"As part of the Staryp Joly program, I took part in many seminars on the development and implementation of the project. During the incubation period, I submitted the "BumpIt" project to the Demo Day innovation project competition.  BumpIt is a project aimed at the production of automotive components cheap and factory quality. In Kazakhstan, due to the poor quality of highways, automotive components, bumpers undergo changes or become unusable. In this regard, I decided to produce the necessary parts for transport components inexpensively and efficiently," Zamanbek Zhaksylykov said.

The general partners of the program are the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Agency for Innovation Development "QazInnovations", the International Technopark Astana Hub, the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Partners-the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Kyzylorda region "Atameken", "Information Technology Center" of the office of the Akim of the Kyzylorda region.

It should be noted that 135 applications were received for participation in the last season of the Startup Jol incubation program. According to the jury consisting of 8 people at the first Demo Day, the winners were the projects Educopter, Dmenu, ecoDabyl.

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
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