An international conference dedicated to the national figure Mustafa Shokai was held +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 17 November 2023
  • 1335

An international conference dedicated to the national figure Mustafa Shokai was held

Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University hosted an international scientific and practical conference "The cherished goal of statehood of Mustafa Shokai: lessons of history and ideological continuity". The event was attended by representatives of the intellectuals, teaching staff and students.

The conference scientifically analyzed the process of integration of the Turkic states and the continuity of ideas in the works of M.Shokai with the ideals of modern fair Kazakhstan.

At the meeting, Chairman of the Kyzylorda regional Maslikhat, Candidate of Historical Sciences Nauryzbai Baykadamov noted that Mustafa Shokai was one of the sons of the nation in our history who devoted his entire life on the way to freedom and independence of his native people.




"It is very important to study the idea of a "United Turkestan" by M. Shokai, who proved the strength of our national independence only in the conditions of unification of the Turkic peoples and continuity in today's Organization of Turkic states. The eternal ideas of Mustafa Shokai, expressed in the twentieth century, are the most important issues of the formation and development, modernization and renewal of modern Turkic states, including Kazakhstan as a civilized and democratic country. National independence and political consciousness, national spirit and national language ‑‑are the basis of the triumph of democratic processes in society and the spiritual renewal of the people, the main tool for consolidating the political, legal and socio-economic independence of the country, the main components of statehood," Nauryzbai Seitkalievich said.

During the conference, the presentation of the book by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts (Turkey) Abduakap Kara "Mustafa Shokai.  The Policy of the Soviet Union in relation to the Turkic world"  and the book "The Alash affair of 1920-1930. Documents and materials of the investigative case fabricated by the OGPU" (volume 1 and volume 2), published under the leadership of Academician M.K.Koigeldi in 2022-2023.

At the meeting the presentations were made by academician of the National Academy of Sciences of RoK, Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Doctor of Historical Sciences Mambet Koigeldiev on the topic "Mustafa Shokai amanatynn bugingi ulttyk zhadtagi korinisi turaly", Professor of the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Doctor of Historical Sciences Abduakap Kara on the topic "Mustafa Shokaidyn panturkism. Turan memleketi zhane turik birligi turaly payymdaular men tuzhyrymdary", Chief researcher of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Rajabov Bagromon on the topic "Mustafa Shokai i zhadidskoe dvizhenie v Turkestane", Associate professor of the University of Kutakhia Dumlupinar, PhD Vedjihi Sefa Fuat Hekimogly on the topic "Mustafa Shokaidyn 1930 zhyldardagi Japonia, Kytai zhane Shygys Turkistan turaly pikirleri", professor of Kazhybayram University, PhD Julia Kasapoglu Cengel on the topic "Alash rukhy", akyn, Deputy Chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan Kasymkhan Begmanov on the topic "Narshoky – tarikhi meken, Mustafa Shokai zholyn bastau nemese "Sherli Turkistan" dastanynyn tuuy", scientific director of the Scientific Center "Mustafa Shokai" of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, doctor political Sciences, Professor Abdizhalel Bakr on the topic "Mustafa Shokai: tauelsizdikti tu etip, ulttykty ulyktagan".



At the conference, Board Member of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University – Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Mainur Buribayeva and Board Member - Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Zhandos Bazartai presented the "Korkyt ata Gold Medal" to representatives of the intellectuals.

The conference continued with sectional works on the following topics: "The phenomenon of Mustafa Shokai and the viability of the idea of unity of the Turkic peoples", "The legacy of Mustafa Shokai – sources of spirituality of the nation", "The legacy of Mustafa Shokai in domestic and foreign studies".

It is worth noting that on November 16, 2023, a monument was erected in the small homeland of M.Shokai Narshoky.

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