Educational program of «Computer Sciences» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

The history of the educational program «Computer Sciences»

Educational programs of «Computer Sciences» was formed in 1998 as a result of the merger of the Department of "Higher Mathematics and information technologies" and the Department of "Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering" in these educational institutions during the merger of Korkyt Ata humanitarian University and I. Zhakhaev Polytechnic Institute. These departments worked independently within the walls of Korkyt Ata University for some time, the Department of "Higher Mathematics and Information Technologies" was called the Department of "Information Systems in the economy", and the Department of "Applied Mathematics and computer engineering" – the Department of "Applied Mathematics and management of automated systems". From the merger of these two departments, the Department "Computer Engineering and Information Systems" (2005) was formed, since 2017 it has been called the Department of "Computer Science".
In 2005-2011, the department was awarded the Medal of "Excellence in education" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999), the holder of the state grant "The best teacher of the University" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007), the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Igilik.Abyroi.Dank". The winner of the medal  "Veteran of Labor (2019), for a great contribution to the development of the higher education system of the country and for active scientific achievements and valiant work, the title "Best Researcher "(2019) in the field of higher and postgraduate education, Ph. D., associate professor A. T. Toreshbayev.
Educational programs of «Computer Sciences» was held in 2011-2016, 2018-1019. Winner of the nomination"Scientist of the year "(2009), winner of the state grant "The best teacher of the University " (2013), candidate of technical sciences K. K. Daurenbekov.
2016-2017 the department was headed by PhD doctor S. I. Ibadulla.
Since 2019, he has been headed by N. B. Konyrbayev, PhD. 
Mission of educational programs «Computer Sciences»
Training of a highly qualified specialist in the field of IT technologies with a competitive level of knowledge, skills and professional skills, adapted to innovation, competitive in a market economy, ready for successful work in public institutions of Kazakhstan and beyond.

501.png Кonyrbayev Nurbek Berkinbayev
Head of the educational program,  Associate Professor, PhD
 telephone.png    8 777 344 0114

Educational program of «Computer Sciences»

>  The Educational programs of «Computer Sciences» trains specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor's degree

Teaching staff

Konyrbaev Nurbek Berkinbayuly

  • Function: Head of the educational program, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
  • Information

Tureshbaev Abdilda Tureshbaevich

Dautbayeva Aigul Ospanovna

  • Function: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
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Tulegenova Elmira Nurlanovna

  • Function: Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences
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Adranova Asselkhan Bagdatovna

Ibadulla Sabit Ibadullauly

Almenova Akmaral Baizhankyzy

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences, PhD
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Turlugulova Nurzhanar Absamatovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Sciences
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Suleimenova Salamat Temirbekovna

Myrzamuratova Aida Askerbekovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Engineering and Technology
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Yesirkepova Aizhan Omirzakkyzy

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences
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Myrzayev Ramatilla Suleymenovich

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Mathematics
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Bekseyitova Ainur Bolatbekkyzy

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences
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Otegen Gulzat Zhanabaykyzy

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Natural Sciences
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Ashimova Moldir Erbolatovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, master of technical sciences
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Nassyradin Bakytbek Kazybekuly

  • Function: Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences
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Abildaeva Zhansaya Tenelevna

  • Function: Lecturer, Master of technical sciences
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Myrzatai Ali Altynbaiuly

  • Function: Lecturer, master of technical sciences
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Оmirzakova Fariza Nurdildaevna

  • Function: Lecturer, master of technical sciences
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Aliaskar Asiya Sagyndykkyzy

  • Function: Lecturer, master of technical sciences
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Kabdoldyna Nazym Oralkhanovna

  • Function: Lecturer, Master of engineering and technology
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Derbessal Asem Galymzhankyzy

  • Function: Lecturer, master of technical sciences
  • Information

Turgyshbay Sarkhan Galimzhanovich

  • Function: Lecturer, master of technical sciences
  • Information

Aldanazarova Roza Kalkuzovna

Material and technical base of the educational program «Computer Sciences»

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Admission committee of the educational program «Computer Sciences»

Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University. 


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