«Сыр түлегі» newspaper
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

«Сыр түлегі» newspaper

The newspaper "Syr Tulegi" of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University has been published since 1992.

The main purpose of the newspaper is to acquaint employees, teachers and students of the university with scientific, social, and cultural news. Increasing the creative abilities, creativity of university students, a tendency to write.

Provide information about activists who are actively engaged in public work, help with excellent education, university students who have achieved success in a particular field.

The work of students who completely own a finished pen is published in the category "Akzholtay zhanalyk", "rukhy", "Zhalyn", "kafedra", "alashtan kalgan asyl soz", "Tugyr", etc.

There are also categories "Bizdin maktanyshymyz", "Men tandagan mamandik".

The newspaper is printed in an offset manner “Baspa” publishing house.

№16  (441) 6 наурыз, 2024 жыл соны_page-0001.jpg

March 6, 2024

СЫР ТҮЛЕГІ 29  желтоқсан 2023-2024_page-0001.jpg

December 29, 2023




24 қазан, 2023 жыл


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20 сәуір, 2023 жыл 


6 наурыз, 2023 жыл

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  29 december, 2022 year                          28 january, 2022 year                               22 october, 2022 year         

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  5 may , 2022 year                                18 march , 2022 year                            4 march, 2022 year


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   10 december, 2021 year                      10 november, 2021 year                     28 april, 2021 year


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   22 april, 2021 year                               28 May, 2020 year                                2 September , 2020 year


Газет 30.09.2024_page-0001.jpg

30 September, 2024 year











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