Service for military mobilization and anti-terrorist work +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Service for military mobilization and anti-terrorist work


Zharmakhanov Galymzhan Altynbekovich
Head of the Department of Military Mobilization and Anti-Terrorist Work

Manage the activities of the Service and bear personal responsibility for the timely performance of official duties by employees. Along with military mobilization work, he is the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations and the unit for the protection of state secrets.
Making proposals to management for incentives, as well as bringing employees to disciplinary liability.
Manage the implementation of military mobilization activities:
- study of guidance documents and direction of work on their practical application;
- control of keeping records of conscript students in accordance with the requirements of the instructions on the procedure for keeping records of conscripts;
- maintaining control over the accounting and movement of certificates for working reserve officers, privates and non-commissioned officers booked on parole for the period of mobilization;
- providing reports to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the city’s parole office for working reserve officers, privates and non-commissioned officers booked for the period of mobilization;
Manage the work to implement measures aimed at anti-terrorist protection of all facilities of Korkyt Ata KU:
- development of planned measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of Korkyt Ata KU facilities;
- make proposals for the technical equipment of university facilities, primarily those vulnerable to terrorism;
- organization of preventive and educational activities for training university employees;
- provide assistance to facility managers in the formation of anti-terrorism consciousness among the permanent and variable staff of the institution;
Organize the development of proposals and their implementation in the field of protecting students, teaching staff and employees, business facilities and university territory from accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, for the prevention and response to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.
Manage the work to protect state and official secrets and conduct secret office work of the service;
- ensures, within its competence, the implementation of verification measures in relation to university officials who are allowed access to information constituting state secrets;
- controls the implementation of regulatory legal acts and orders to protect state secrets;
- exercises control over the conduct of secret office work in the service, including reception, registration, transfer for execution, sending documents by special communications, formation and inventory control of secret files, preparing them for archival storage;
- organizes and conducts quarterly and annual inspections of the availability of secret documents in the Service, draws up reports on the results of inspections;
- develops a nomenclature of positions for КU officials subject to registration for access to secret information, makes the necessary changes and additions to this nomenclature, coordinates them with the regional Department of National Security;
Main functions:
1. Conducts an examination of the established documentation of the anti-terrorist service;
2. organizes and carries out work in accordance with the powers and tasks specified in the documents of the university’s anti-terrorism service.
3. controls access to university facilities and verifies their strict compliance.
4. Monitors the situation at facilities and surrounding areas in order to identify suspicious persons and objects.
5. Forms a security culture and anti-terrorism consciousness among employees and students.
6. controls all measures to ensure anti-terrorist security of facilities.
7. develops algorithms for responding to possible threats of a terrorist nature that are adequate to the characteristics of objects.
8. organization of timely notification of authorized bodies in the event of an act of terrorism at a facility and timely preparation and maintenance of an anti-terrorism security passport for facilities, its proper storage.
Zharmakhanov Galymzhan Altynbekovich - Head of the Department of Military Mobilization and Anti-Terrorist Work
Imashov Kairat Balgabaevich – inspector
Makhambetova Zhaksygul Saktagankyzy – inspector

Phone: 8 (7242) 27-05-83, internal phone 144
Address: 120014, Kyzylorda city, Aiteke bi street, 29 A, main educational building

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