Institute of Artificial Intelligence +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Institute of Artificial Intelligence

   Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University is an institution of higher education in Kazakhstan. This is not only studying at a modern university, but also research combined with theory and practice, the implementation of which has become the main goal.
   The Institute of Artificial Intelligence invites you to get an international-level higher education, which can be the key to your bright future.
   Here you will be taught by well-known scientists of Kazakhstan, foreign teaching staff with high ratings, practitioners of the region, heads of companies.
   In order to continue postgraduate education, state attestation commissions from other universities invite our graduates to join them. We know that this is a positive result of our policy in training high-quality personnel.
  Our goal is to raise higher education to the world level and make it a national brand! While studying, our students participate in international-class scientific оlympiads and take prizes. Thanks to academic mobility at the university, there is an opportunity to study abroad.
   The system of student self-government of the Institute of Economics and Law-will allow you not to waste your time. The Institute has a wide range of traditional cultural and sports events. I encourage you to contribute too!
  Our Institute is an opportunity for you to become a developed perfect person who carries knowledge and competencies. Know that choosing us is choosing the moment in your life!

Kulmyrzaev Nurlan Serikovich
Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence




501.png Kulmyrzaev Nurlan Serikovich                   

Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Candidate of Economic Sciences


 telephone.png    +7 701 412 75 39                                               

Work phone: 8(7242) 27-91-49

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