The role of the Jochi ulus in the history of Kazakhstan" +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 26 April 2024
  • 1339

The role of the Jochi ulus in the history of Kazakhstan"

Today, the Department of Science of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, together with scientists of the Educational Program "History and Archeology" and the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region, held a scientific and educational conference "The role of the Jochi Ulus in the history of Kazakhstan" (based on the history of the land of Syr).

On March 15, 2024, the third meeting of the National Kurultai "Adal adam - Adal enbek – Adal tabys" was held in Atyrau under the chairmanship of Head of State Kassym–Jomart Tokayev.




The National Kurultai has become a unique platform for making important recommendations regarding the future of the nation. The Head of State outlined the directions of spiritual development, Focused on the acute problems of society and shared a number of ideological considerations Tipping towards becoming an advanced nation. The initiative of our president has received great support in society. As a proof that the history of the nation's formation goes back to the depths, the President noted several historical facts dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the formation of the Jochi Ulus this year.

Our common task is to popularize historical figures who lived in the vast lands of Kazakhstan to the younger generation. Based on historical events, the younger generation should grow up, instilling love for the country, land, and homeland. The conference was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, members of the scientific expert group and the Council of Aksakals at the regional APK, teachers of history of secondary schools of the city, academic teachers, undergraduates, students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, representatives of the press and NGOs.




The moderator of the conference was Almasbek Abylkasymovich Esmakhanov, head of the Department of public development of Kyzylorda region. Within the framework of the conference, Acting Associate Professor of educational programs "history and archeology" of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, doctor of historical sciences  Satbay Tastanbek Yakhyaevich" Horde traditions of the Russian State", associate professor of the Department of religious studies of Nur-Mubarak University, PhD Abylov firstborn Talgatovich" the ratio of religion and politics in the Golden Horde", deputy director of KSU" society", doctor of Philosophy, PhD Omarov Daulet Karibayevich" the historical place of the Ulus of Jochi in the formation and development of the Kazakh State", senior lecturer of educational programs" history and archeology " of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, M. P. Abdrazakova Almagul Umirzakovna made a report on the topics:" the Golden Horde in the works of Russian scientists", Senior Lecturer of the educational programs" history and archeology "of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, M. G. Kurmaniyazov Islam Serikovich" medieval ceramic city (Barshynkent) the horde of Jochi Ulus".

At the end of the conference, the participants expressed their suggestions and concluded that intensive work on the development of our country will continue.


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