The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a contest for the State Youth Award "Daryn" +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 23 September 2024
  • 670

The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a contest for the State Youth Award "Daryn"

The State Youth Award "Daryn" is awarded annually for the purpose of state support of talented youth for fruitful scientific, creative, social activities, as well as for high sports achievements.

The contest will be held in 10 nominations: "Literature", "Science", "Design and Fine Arts", "Journalism", "Classical Music", "Creative Initiatives", "Sport", "Theatre and Cinema", "Variety", "Folk Art".

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the age of 35 years at the time of the end of applications, who are laureates of international and national competitions, festivals and exhibitions, prize winners and winners of sports competitions at the national and international levels, as well as candidates whose activities are innovative and contribute to the development of the relevant industry and society as a whole, are eligible for the award.

Candidates are nominated for the award by state bodies and public associations.

Persons awarded the prize are given the title “Laureate of the State Youth Prize “Daryn”, a diploma, a badge and a cash prize.

Every year the awarding of the prize “Daryn” is planned in a solemn atmosphere to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Daryn Award was established in 1992.  In different years more than 320 people from different spheres became the owners of this prize.

Documents of applicants are accepted (paper version) until November 20, 2023 by the Committee on Youth and Family Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the address: Astana, 10 Mangilik El Avenue, the building “House of Ministries” (14-door). And the electronic version can be sent by mail Contact numbers: 8(7172) 74-05-25, 8(7172) 74-18-43, 8 701 170 46 54.


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