Сompetition "My university in the lens"
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 10 April 2023
  • 1918

Сompetition "My university in the lens"

For the first time, from April 10 to 25, the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University will host a photo contest "My University in the lens". The winners will receive special diplomas and valuable prizes.

Students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, residents of the city-lovers of photography and students of grades 10-11 can take part in the competition.

Photo works are accepted in the following nominations:

-  "I go to Korkyt" is a nomination for students of grades 10-11. Participants of the location need to choose one of the academic buildings of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University and take creative photos;

- "Groupmates" – photo of the best study group;

- "Korkyt is my life" - special moments at the university and the most favorite location in the educational institution;

- " Student's one day..."- interesting moments, photos in free format.

Photo work for participation in the JPEG photo contest with brief information about yourself (full name, educational institution (place of work or school), specialty (position or class), contact phone number) websait19@mail.ru it is accepted by e-mail.

The size of the images is 16:9, there should be no blurring when the images are enlarged by 100%. In addition, photo processing and photo correction are allowed. 3-5 photos from one author are accepted.

Note: photo works for the contest are accepted until April 20, 2022.



For additional questions: 8 – 747 – 717 – 70 – 14 Nurzhan,

Whatsapp number: 8 – 747 – 773 – 41 – 08 Nurtilek

Группаластар -1.pngI go to Korkyt -1.png












Студенттің бір күні... -1.pngСтуденттің бір күні... -1.png

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